First Triennial International Hand & Wrist Biomechanics Symposium
Brussels, Belgium, May 22-23, 1992
First International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 1992
Organizing Committee
Kai-Nan An, PhDWilliam Cooney, MDMarc Garcia-Elias, MDFrederic Schuind, MD, PhD Organizing Committee
A. A. Amis (UK)R. A. Berger (USA)T. Bryant (Canada)F. Burny (Belgium)F. Casolo (Italy)S. Fioretti (Italy)L. Hagberg (Sweden)R. Huiskes (Netherlands)C. Jantea (Germany)J.M. G. Kauer (Netherlands)J. Koebke (Germany)R. L. Linscheid (USA)P. Saffar (France)J. Ryu (USA)P. Soucacos (Greece)G. Vanderperre (Belgium)S. F. Viegas (USA)F. Werner (USA)Faculty
Thursday, May 2110.30 – 18.00 Registration16.30 – 18.30 Opening Ceremony (Moderator : KN An) Opening address : F Schuind The NATO policy on research funding, L Sertorio The European Community and scientific funding, JG Wurm The Situation of grants in the USA, WP Cooney18.30 .19.30 Welcome reception19.30 .21.00 Dinner Friday, May 22 08.00 – 09.20 Material properties - lectures Moderators : KN An, WP Cooney The structure and functlon of ligaments and tendons - KN AnMechanical properties of finger flexor tendons and development of suturing methods with enhanced strength - A AmisTendon excursion rehabilitation and repair.- WP CooneySubchondral bone density as a key for normal and pathological wrist stress - J Koebke09.20 - 0940 Coffee-break09.40 –1055 Material properties : tendonsFree papers, room AModerator : A AmisThe experimental study of tendon repair - M Takayanagi, H Yamamoto, Y Watanabe, H Tsuchida, S FangBiomecnanics of pulley reconstruction - KN AnBiomechanical examination of postoperative flexor tendon adhesion in rabbits digits - L HagbergPassive elastic properties of the human forearm musculature : a cadaver study - R Wells, D Ranney, P KeirEffect of repetitive loading on the wrist in young rabbits - H Kawai, T Murase, T Masatomi, M Murai, R Shibuya, Y Terada, K Ono09.40-10.55 Material properties : ligamentsFree papers, room BModerator : RA BergerThe study of the behaviour of the larger wrist joint ligaments should include all fibre-bundles - JGM Kooloos, HHCM SavelbergThe gross and histologic anatomy and material properties of the subregions of the scapholunate ligament - RA Berger, PC Amadio, T Imaeda, KN An, WP CooneyMechanical properties of the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist in simple elongation - S Ucilyama, Y Nakatsuchi, S Saitoh, M Hosaka, Y Hata, M ItohScaphoid and peri-scaphoid mechanism of injury : mathematical pattern – P LedouxFunctional analysis of the radiocarpal joint from a determination of the subchondral mineralisation pattern – M Müller-Gerbl, N Lower, K Wilhelm, R Kenn, R Putz10.55 – 12.00 Panel discussionRoom AModerators KN An, WP Cooney, A Amis, RA Berger12.00-14.00 Lunch14.00 – 15.20 Force analysis - lecturesModerators : R Huiskes, F SchuindContacts pressures within wrist joints – SF Viegas, RM PattersonFinger mathematical modelling and rehabilitation – F SasoloMajor and potential role of fibrocartilage meniscal-like structures in phalangeal joints. Intrinsic muscle insertions to the volar plate – T Bryant, TDV CookeBiomechanics of fracture fixation – F Burny, M Donkerwolcke15.20 – 15.40 Coffee-break15.40 – 17.10 Force analysis : handFree papers, room AModerator : M.P. RosenwassenQuantitative functional anatomy of hand muscles – JM Mansour, PE CragoForce analysis of the thumb – D.J. Giurintano, AM HollisterStress analysis of proximal interphalangeal joints using the three-dimensional finite element method – H Hashizume, T Akagi, H Watanabe, H Inoue, T OguraAnatomic forms of male and female carpometacarpal joints - GA Ateshian, MP Rosenwasser, VC Mow,Biomechanics of the trapezio-metacarpal jointG BrunelliDeep ligaments of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb – HM Schmidt, U Frank15.40 – 17.10 Force analysis : wristFree papers, room BModerators : R WellsOn a model of the upper extremity - B PettersonA model of the human wrist dynamics – E BirjukovaForce and pressure transmission through the normal wrist : an analytical study – F Schuind, KN An, RL Linscheid, WP Cooney, EYS ChaoKinematics and force transmission of the proximal carpal row – HP Kern, HAC Jacob, G SennwaldBiomechanical analysis of the wrist joint in ergonomical aspects – K Gielo-PerczakDynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist – C Jantea, J Assheuer, J Koebke17.10 – 18.00 Panel discussionRoom AModerators : R Huiskes, F Schuind, MP Rosenwasser, R Wells20.00-22.30 DinnerSaturday, May 2308.00-09.20 Motion analysis - lecturesModerators : F Werner, AK PalmeriRole of the wrist ligament with respect to carpal kinematics and carpal mechanism – JMG Kauer, HHCM Savelberg, R Huiskes, JGM KooloosThe study of the biomechanical of wrist movement in a oblique plane – P SaffarNormal and abnormal carpal kinematics – M Garcia Elias, DK Smith, LK Ruby, E Horri, KN An, RL Linscheid, EYS Chao, WP CooneyThree-dimensional in-vivo kinematic analysis of finger movement – S Fioretti09.20 – 09.40 Coffee-break09.40 – 10.55 Motion analysis : handFree papers, room AModerators : L HagbergStability and constraint of the proximal interphalangeal joint – Y Minamikawa, E Horii, KN An, PC Amadio, WP Cooney, RL LinscheidAnatomy of the palmar plates : comparative morphology and motion characteristics – S Gagnon, MJ Botte, E Zinberg, SN CoppBiomechanics of a bidigital finger system with anatomical restrictions : the significance for the exercising hand of the musician. Demonstration by physical model – JNAL Leijnse, JE Bonte, JMF Landsmeer, JC Van der Meulen, CJ SnijdersA kinematic study of the hand using magnetic resonance imaging – RD Dickerson, CH Lorenz, SW Peterson, AM Strauss, JA MainThree-dimensional four variables plot for the study of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint kinematics – A Meroll, P Traquili Leall, S Fioretti, T Leo09.40 – 10.55 Motion analysis : wristFree papers, room BModerators : J RyulBiomechanics of carpal motions – R Huiskes, H Savelberg, J KauerFunctional anatomy of the carpus in flexion and extension and in radial and ulnar deviations – V Feipel, M Rooze, S Louryan, M LemortKinematic modelling of the human wrist – N Nicodemus, SF Viegas, K ElderWrist joint motion simulator : concept development and normal wrist tendon forces – F Werner, AK Palmer, JH SomersetChanges in the triangular fibrocartilage complex articular disk during forearm rotation a study of configuration and surface strains – BD Adams10.55 – 12.00 Panel discussionRoom AModerators : F Werner, AK Palmer, L Hagberg, J Ryu12.00 – 14.00 Lunch14.00 – 15.20 Clinical applications – lecturesModerators : VC Mow, SF ViegasKinematic dysfunction of the distal radioulnar joint after distal radial fracture – RL LinscheidWrist joints simulator : evaluation of total wrist implants – AK Palmer, FW Werner, M FortinoBiomechanical analysis of modified silastic trapezial arthroplasty – J RyuTwo stage flexor tendon reconstruction using silicon rods – PN Soucacos, A Beris, A Touliatos, PK Soucacos, G Mitsionis15.20 – 15.40 Coffee-break15.40 – 17.25 Clinical applications : handFree papers, room AModerators : M Garcia-EliasStandardized radiographic measurement of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint – T Bryant, TDV CookeCementless total replacement of the trapezio-metarcarpal joint : principle of anchorage – P LedouxThe enveloppe of active wrist circumduction : an in vivo electrogoniometric study – P Salvia, P Klein, JH David, M RoozeIn vivo measurement of tendon forces – F Schuind, WP Cooney, KN AnX-ray stereophotogrammetric examination of flexor tendon excursion adhesions in the flexor tendon sheath area – L HagbrgChanges in the geometry of the carpal tunnel contents due to wrist posture and tendon load an MRI study on normal wrist – R Wells, P KleirEVAMAIN : computerized system for the assessment of the hand – JL Thonnard, L Plaghki, D Bragard15.40 – 17.25 Clinical applications : wristModerators : RL LinscheidThe dislocations and instability of the distal radio-ulnar joint – A KapandjiColles fracture : instability evaluation and therapeutic approaches – T Authom, M Lafontaine, D Hardy, P DelincéGeometric analysis of opening-closing wedge corrective osteotomy of distal radius after malunited fracture – R Bilic, V Nikolic, V ZdravkovicLoad-displacement characteristics of the scaphoid ligament complex in vivo – JJ Crisco, SW Wolfe, R BrownKinematic of the scapho-trapezoid joint of the wrist – C Jantea, KN An, R LinscheidThe use of cine-computed tomography to investigate carpal kinematics – S Wolfe, L Katz, JJ CriscoSurgical treatment with external fixation for posttraumatic carpal instability – K Shimada, M Nishino, T Kadowaki, T Yamamoto17.25 – 18.00 ConclusionsRoom AModerators : VC Mow, SF Viegas, M Garcia-Elias, RL Linscheid18.30 – 23.00 Visit of central Brussels and dinner in the cityProgram