Second Triennial International Hand & Wrist Biomechanics Symposium

San Francisco, CA, USA, September 10-11, 1995


David Nelson, MDKai-Nan An, PhD

Organizing Committee

Kai-Nan An, PhDWilliam Cooney, MDMarc Garcia-Elias, MDLouis Gilula, MDDavid L. Nelson, MDFrederic Schuind, MD, PhD


Mayo Clinic/Mayo FoundationAmerican Foundation for Surgery of the Hand


Sunday, September 10th8:00- 8:15 Opening Remarks: Nelson, An8:15- 10:00 Plenary Session: Invited Papers-Wrist Moderator: NelsonKeynote Talk: Ronald Linscheid: The History of the Study of the WristDiscussionInvited Talk #1 Richard Berger: Wrist Ligamentous AnatomyInvited Talk #2 Steven Viegas: Load Mechanics of the WristBreak10:00-11:30 Session One: Wrist KinematicsPaper #1 Measurement of Carpal Bones in a Wrist Joint Motion Simulator. Werner,Short, Fortino, PalmerPaper #2 Normal Kinematics of Carpal Bones. Kobayashi, Ritt, Linscheid, Berger, AnPaper #3 Kinematics of the Normal Trapeziometacarpal Joint. Imaeda, An, Cooney,LinscheidPaper #4 The Lunotriquetral Joint: Kinematic Effects of Sequential Ligament Sectioning,Ligament Repair, and Arthrodesis. Ritt, Linscheid, Cooney, Berger, AnPaper #5 Ulnar Variance and Lunotriquetral Mechanincs. Glowacki, Alford, Moore,Crisco, WeissPaper #6 The Efficacy of Dynamic External Fixation for Treatment of Distal RadiusFractures Using 3D Kinematics Analysis. Patterson, Viegas, Nicodemus,Buford, Rosenblatt11:30- 12:00 Roundup: Cooney, Garcia-Elias12:00- 1:00 Lunch1:00- 3:45 Concurrent SessionsSession Two: Clinical WristPaper #7 Kienbock’s Disease Stage III: Mechanical and Histological Aspects with SomeSurgical Implications. Hashizume, Miyake, Nishida, Inoue, NagayamaPaper #8 The Effects of Exercise on Scaphiod Mechanincal Properties. Wolf, Crisco,Chelikani, BrownPaper #9 A Biomechanical Model to Study Dynamic Scaphoid Instability. Short,Werner, Fortino, MannPaper #10 Comparison of LT and CLTH Arthrodesis in LT Dissociation. Yang, Ryu,Han, KishPaper #11 The Natural Progression of Scaphoid Instability and ScapholunateInterosseous Ligament Rupture. Watson, Weinzweig, ZeppieridPaper #12 Triquetral Impingement Ligament Tear (TILT). Watson, Weinzweig,BastidasPaper #13 An In Vivo Triscaphe Arthodesis Analysis in a Full Range WristCircumduction. A Six Revolute Instrumental Spatial Linkage Study. Salvia,Schuind, Fumiere, David, Klein, Rooze.Paper #14 Scapho-trapezio-trapeziod Ligaments: Their importance in DeterminingDissociative Carpal Instability. Brunelli, Brunelli.Paper #15 Radio-Metacarpal Rotation. Roux, Mikaleff, AllieuPaper #16 Radiocarpal Articular Pressures During the Reduction of Distal RadiusFractures. Schuind, Fabeck, BurnySession Three: HandPaper #17 An Analysis of the congruence of the Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint. Xu,Ahmad, Strauch, Wang, Wang, Rosenwasser, Pawluk, Blankevoort, Mow,AteshianPaper #18 Mechanical Properties of the Thumb Carpometacarpal Cartilage. Wang, Xu,Wang, Ahmad, Strauch, Rosenwasser, Pawluk, Blankevoort, Ateshian, MowPaper #19 Digital Motion Analysis. Belliappa, Rash, GuptaPaper #20 Simulation of Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Saddle Shape with Surfaces ofRevolution for Offset Axes of Rotation. Truman, HollisterPaper #21 Intraoperative Laser Diffraction and Biomechanical Modeling for SurgicalTendon Transfer. Lieber, Shoemaker, Loren, FridenPaper #22 The Complete Thumb. Giurintano, Mathews, HollisterPaper #23 Finite Element Models of Finger Bones with Artificial Implants. Targowski,Ledoux, Lamblin, Guerlement.Paper #24 Musculoskeletal Interactions which Limit Fingertip Forces. Valer-Cuevas,Burgar, Van Der Loos, McGill, Lum, Zajac, Hentz, AnPaper #25 Laboratory Development of a Nonconstrainted, Noncemented, ModularMetacarpophalangeal Prosthesis. Beevers, SeedhornPaper #26 EMG Observations of Biceps, Brachii Muscle in Elbow Flexion Correlatedwith Analogous Morphohistochemical Data. Meded, Bobinac, Sentija4:00-4:30 Round up: Schuind, Viegas4:30- 5:30 Panel Discussion: The Scapholunate LigamentModerator: NelsonPanel Members: Watson, Sennwald, Linscheid, Berger, MasemMonday, September 11th8:00- 8:05 Opening Remarks: Nelson, An8:05- 10:00 Plenary Session: Invited Papers- HandModerator: AnKeynote Talk: Johan Landsmeer: Perspectives on Hand ResearchDiscussionInvited Talk #3 Michael Botte: Extensor Tendon AnatomyInvited Talk #4 Paul Manske: Tendon HealingBreak10:00- 11:30 Session Four: Clincial Wrist and HandPaper #27 Gliding Pattern of Tendon Through Pulley: Differences Between Canine andHuman Model. Uchiyama, Smutz, Amadio, AnPaper #28 Biomechanics of Dorsal Plating of the Distal Radius. Gesensway, Putnam,Nelson, Mente, LewisPaper #29 Evolutionary Perspective on Human Thumb/Index Finger BiomechanicsRelating to Precision Gripping. Marzke, Marzke, Linscheid, AnPaper #30 Biomechanical Behavior of the Median Nerve In and About the Carpal Tunnel.Bay, Sharkey, SzaboPaper #31 Wrist Posture and Crapal Tunnel Pressure. RempelPaper #32 Force Transmission Across the Wrist and Forearm. Ledoux, Lamblin, Algrian11:30- 12:00 RoundUp: Botte, Giluia12:00-1:00 Lunch1:00-2:00 Plenary Session: Invited Papers- HandModerator: Garcia- EiliasInvited Talk #5 David Nelson: Functional Wrist MotionInvited Talk #6 Kirk Watson: Wrist Exam1:50-2:00 Break2:00-4:00 Session Five: Kinematics, Fractures, and ModelsPaper #33 Noninvasive Measurement of Distal Radius Fracture Instability. Waters,Mintzer, Hipp, SnyderPaper #34 Carpal Kinematics in a Displaced Lunate Fossa Fractured. Daniel, DesJardins,Baratz, Anderson, ImbrigliaPaper #35 Quantitative Analysis of Carpal Kinematics in Malunion of Colles’ Fracture.Li, Ryu, Han, KishPaper #36 Alterations of Carpal Bone motion in Motocross Pilots. Feipel, Vigelle,Rooze, Lemort.Paper #37 In Vitro Intercarpal and Radiocarpal Simulated Fusions in WristCircumduction: A 6 Degree of Freedom Spatial Linkage Study. Salvia,Flament, David, Klein, RoozePaper #38 A Finite Element Analysis of the Radiocarpal Joint. Anderson, DanielPaper #39 Mathematical Analysis of Errors Resulting from Choice of Reference FrameCoordinates in Measuring Human Joint Motion. Hollerbach, Hollister3:45- 4:00 Break2:00- 4:00 Session Six: Hand, Tendon, and LigamentPaper #40 A Biomechanical Study of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis: Effects ofDigital Pulley Excision and Loss of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus.Hamman, Ali, Phillips, Cunningham, MassPaper #41 Forearm Flexor Tendon Radii of Curvature as Determined from MagneticResonance Imaging (MRI) Keir, WellsPaper #42 Finger Extensor Mechanism: Passive Resistance for Different IP JointPositions. Hollister, Dennerlein, RempelPaper #43 Plate Fixation of Midshaft Fractures of the Proximal Phalanges with andwithout Soft Tissues: A Biomechanical Study of the Tension Band Effect.Ouellette, Latta, Milne, MakowskiPaper #44 Quantitative and Qualitative Investigation of the Distal Interphalangeal Link.Han, KrimmerPaper #45 Development and Use of a Dynamic Model of Hand Function. Esteki,MansourPaper #46 A Biomechanical Analysis of Fifth Finger Flexion in the Boxer’s Fracture.Ali, Hamman, Mass3:45- 4:00 Break4:00-4:30 Roundup: Schuind, Viegas, Botte4:30- 5:30 Panel Discussion: Distal Radioulnar JointModerator : CooneyPanel Members: Linscheid, Berger, Manske, Botte, Watson5:00-5:15 Closing: Nelson, An